Friday 22 June 2007

Message from Marsha...

Time passes very quickly and plans are already being made for our gathering in 2008. As decided in Norway, we want to suggest issues or concerns before our network meets.

In this regard, could I ask you to send all of your issues, concerns, pressing themes to me by September 1st. These topics will be discussed at our planning meeting and assigned to officers for preparatory research in advance of ETLN 2008. The goal is more effective discussion and clearly defined resolutions.

We also decided to welcome new training officers personally and introduce them to our Network. To this end, please send me the names of the new training officers and also their Email addresses. This would allow me to forward these names to those who agreed to welcome them on our behalf. It would be nice if the new officers received their first Email before September.

Thank you to those who have submitted their reports to their TC. If you have not yet done so, please complete it as soon as possible.

May the Lord bless you with rest and relaxation, power and wisdom as you enjoy a holiday

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